Wednesday, May 28, 2008

trick from google!

Command Prompt Tricks & Hacks

Hacking Windows Xp

How to Hack

1.How do I hack anything... ?
2.Where can I find softwares tutiorials etc... ?
3.Why doesn't I can use telnet to hack... ?
4.How to use F T P ... ?
5.What is ping... ?
6.What is rooting... ?
7.Howto hack with linux .?

1.How do I ... ?
[Well the fist thing is to decide what to hack n what would you easilyunderstand

so try to think it hard. Now to get started start hacking windows since forhacking

you must know in's n outs of an O S for doing this find out more tricks onwin98

at my site at win98.html do it this way hack registry, explorer.exe sutoexec.bat

n you'll starting a go at window's. ]

2.Where can I find ... ?
[You can find softwares , tools ,tutiorials exploits etc at my site (Butplease

note that tools n softwares arent for free since I have some finincialprobems

n I arrange and will be sending them to you by email my site dosent offers

a download facillity) .Dont think you re paying think you re helpingsomebody]

3.Why doesn't ... ?
[You can surely use telnet to hack n its nessary to do it .Ill tell you howat win98

mashine goto dos at c:windows> type telnet here . Now rest is simple youcan change ports like telnet pop3 ,110(email ports)no matter whichever the portis log onto

your site with a fake id after making one then if you get connected to a porttype help

n use its commands to hack. Note at win X P telnet is not graphical soyou need to telnet like this c:windows>telneturl port so port is the port you wanna connect to

n url is the website address.

4.Who is ... ?
[Well to use ftp it's alike in win98 n XP .You need to go to dos n c:ftpthe prompt will change to c:ftp>help youcan get help. Else can go to your web browser n use it for

ftp eg:- n supply your usernamen password]

5.What is ... ?
[Ping is a command used to get an ip of a website send dos attack to it

well to use it you must be at windows directry type ping there the help willbe shown

n you can send dos attack by using -M switch , get an ip just doing this pingurl. ]

6.When is ... ?
[Rooting is stealing of password files. Which is normally stored at cgi-bin/etc/passwd

passwd for unix servers n paswd for linux server.]

7.How hack with linux?
[Many people ask that how they can use linux at a cyber cafe ?....

Well to do this is very simple you first get a bootable one cd linux egKnopix

n then restart the (first insert the cd into drive )n then press del in biosadvance

you must find an option like1st boot device in the second boot device modifyto boot

from cd by pressing page up or down save n exit the system will reboot nif our

cd is'nt corrupt you will be at linux . Now to use unix hacking commandsclick

log off n in the new dialoge box which contains some options like KDE GENOME

FAILSAFE check the option failsafe (radio) button then click ok. then at unix

black screen try fingure , dnslookup, nbstat etc. commands n hack whateveryou want
